The Artist Pencil can carry your favourite scent to inspire your creativity
I've never been more aware of the power smell has to evoke memories at a visceral level. From chimney smoke to a woodland glade, or the tang of ozone on a windswept beach, we are transported to places of comfort, of people and places important in our lives. I find these sensory moments inspiring. Everything seems to calm and take a breath. Thoughts wander and the mind relaxes and creativity appears to blossom in an effortless outpouring. It works for me.
I've experimented with many different types of wood for the Artist Pencil, working with differing properties to achieve the best result. It was turning a new wood, Tamboti, that drew my attention. The workshop was filled with fragrance, the finished item just as pungent. The smell is similar to sandalwood, and when using with this new Artist Pencil, I kept getting waves of fragrance as I sketched. This was worth further exploration.
I've experimented with many different types of wood for the Artist Pencil, working with differing properties to achieve the best result. It was turning a new wood, Tamboti, that drew my attention. The workshop was filled with fragrance, the finished item just as pungent. The smell is similar to sandalwood, and when using with this new Artist Pencil, I kept getting waves of fragrance as I sketched. This was worth further exploration.

The 'speed tail' at the rear of the pencil now has the potential to carry your favourite scent. Applying a small amount of essential oil via cotton bud is all that's needed and it lasts a long time, so be sparing. You can even drop a small amount of your favourite perfume which works equally well. Whatever you choose, your creative endeavours can be accompanied by your own scent driven memories. Who knows where it might take you.